Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Getting Outside

My very favorite thing to do in the Magnificent Bhumi Arema is to get outside. It is so green here and there are so many opportunities to really get outside and enjoy nature. Some places are easily accessible and some not so much, but the opportunity to get out and traipse around in the woods, mountains, fields, and wide open spaces is, by far, my favorite thing to do.

It seems to be that vegetables play a large role in the cuisine in this area and it makes sense, then, that there would be so very many farms. These areas make for some of the most scenic vistas and I am always in sheer awe of the strength of the older farmers carrying heavy loads down steep, slippery hills or walking almost straight down to tend their fields. In addition the purely bucolic scenery, the areas farther out in the rural areas are, for me, pleasant to visit.  There is hardly any trash, the air is fresh, and there is little traffic save for the occasional farmer deftly carrying an incredibly over-sized load on the narrow trails.

The mountains that ring the city give way to beaches to the south and most of them are not crowded, even though they are spectacularly beautiful. Swimming is touch and go as the currents can be unpredictable and downright dangerous. The water is clear, fresh and each beach offers a different experience.

This first post is just an introduction to some of the sights and scenery that fortify the spectacular heart and soul of the magnificent Bhumi Arema.

Salam Satu Jiwa



Gunung Arjuno (Arjuno Mountain)

Coban Pelangi (Rainbow Waterfall)


Coban Jahe (Ginger Waterfall)

Near Coban Rais, Batu

Near Coban Rondo an elusive and photogenic black monkey

Coban Rondo

Near Singosari


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